Autoclave service


We offer comprehensive services for commissioning, maintenance, servicing, and calibration. This includes IQ/OQ validations, process validations, and electrical testing according to DGUV V3. Our services also include internal, external, and strength tests – all independent of brand. We handle your equipment quickly, competently, and reliably.

SHP Services GmbH | Data logger in sterilization chamber

24 hours - 7 days a week
SHP Services GmbH

  • for all manufacturers and types
  • fair conditions
  • reliable and competent
  • direct contacts on-site
  • short response times
  • price transparency
  • work carried out by qualified personnel according to BetrSichV
  • work in biological safety, genetic safety, clean room, and radiation protection areas

Services in detail

Measuring Section Calibration
The calibration of autoclaves verifies the precision and accuracy of the devices. Our SERVICE technicians ensure that the autoclave operates correctly and delivers the required performance.

Installation Qualification (IQ)
The Installation Qualification (IQ) checks the suitability of the installation site, the physical properties of the autoclave, and the completeness of the documentation.

Operational Qualification (OQ)
To ensure safe and sterile results, an empty chamber profile is performed using calibrated data loggers. The Operational Qualification (OQ) ensures that devices and systems meet the requirements defined in the Design Qualification. Tests confirm that the device functions correctly.

Performance Qualification (PQ)
The Performance Qualification (PQ) ensures that the autoclave reliably delivers the required sterilization performance in daily operation and guarantees the long-term safety and quality of the sterilized products.
To ensure safe and sterile results, your autoclave must comply with standards such as e.g. EN 285 and ISO 17665. We regularly validate autoclaves to ensure reliable sterilization within the defined parameters. Test runs are performed with calibrated data loggers inside the product, and the sterilization process is certified.

We offer brand-independent maintenance services for autoclaves with a pressure-liter product of up to 1,000 barL according to a checklist.

Recurring Inspections
Mandatory recurring inspections according to the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) are carried out by our trained personnel and include external and internal inspections as well as strength testing.

Controlled Areas
Our SERVICE technicians also perform SERVICE tasks in controlled areas, including biological safety, genetic engineering safety, cleanroom, and radiation protection areas.

Competent and Reliable
Our SERVICE technicians guarantee 100% reliable execution of all tasks. A warranty extension is possible when the required maintenance is performed by our factory customer service.

All our service staff are "Qualified Persons according to the Pressure Equipment Directive."

Service Points of SHP Services GmbH
We are not only available for these services, but we are also happy to offer additional tailored services.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our comprehensive offerings:
SHP Services GmbH

Phone +49 (0) 39058 97 62-0